Bar Poker Open Florida Championship 2024
Bar Poker Open


#1  Colton, Joseph
2443 Points / 36 Events
#2  Stevens, Lance
2358 Points / 41 Events
#3  Pankowski, Kerri
2351 Points / 38 Events
#4  Lopez, Radanes
2277 Points / 44 Events
#5  Stevens, Tina
2212 Points / 38 Events
#6  Amato, Tom
1603 Points / 24 Events
#7  Sousa, Peter
1534 Points / 32 Events
#8  Kelly, Maciel
1410 Points / 33 Events
#9  Mattos, Jessie
1401 Points / 21 Events
#10  Coelho, Arnie
1287 Points / 20 Events
#11  Gomes, Susan
1279 Points / 18 Events
#12  Kane, John
1202 Points / 22 Events
#13  Andrade, Paulo
1144 Points / 17 Events
#14  Alves, Bob
1084 Points / 23 Events
#15  Bennett, Richard
1060 Points / 14 Events
#16  Picard, Del
1049 Points / 15 Events
#17  McCree, Tracy
1026 Points / 13 Events
#18  Maciel, Diana
995 Points / 16 Events
#19  Fernandes, Lucio
924 Points / 18 Events
#20  Grime, Tom
840 Points / 12 Events
#21  Adair, Danielle
822 Points / 13 Events
#22  Lindo, David
801 Points / 11 Events
#23  Monsini, James
791 Points / 12 Events
#24  Lane, Chris
789 Points / 15 Events
#25  Pinto, Ricardo
761 Points / 12 Events
#26  Silva, Tony
745 Points / 9 Events
#27  O'Connell, Peter
721 Points / 14 Events
#28  Delisle, Janice
688 Points / 13 Events
#29  Ionno, Tony
668 Points / 12 Events
#30  Macmillan, Donald
607 Points / 8 Events
#31  Desruisseau, Matt
596 Points / 12 Events
#32  Mattos, Haylie
583 Points / 12 Events
#33  Souza, Roger
577 Points / 10 Events
#34  Maciel, Todd
559 Points / 13 Events
#35  O'Connell, Pauline
544 Points / 14 Events
#36  DaPonte, Chris
541 Points / 16 Events
#37  Blanchard, Nick
525 Points / 14 Events
#38  Lemieux, Normand
499 Points / 8 Events
#39  Aldrich, Robert
497 Points / 8 Events
#40  Langevin, Michael
488 Points / 7 Events
#41  Maciel, Ronald
473 Points / 9 Events
#42  Jones, Patrick
442 Points / 8 Events
#43  Vieira, Eric
416 Points / 6 Events
#44  Mattos Jr., Tony
402 Points / 8 Events
#45  Branchaud, Steve
402 Points / 5 Events
#46  Vieira, Ana Paula
391 Points / 6 Events
#47  Dunham, Beatrice
387 Points / 6 Events
#48  Ponte, Bobby
383 Points / 6 Events
#49  Winnett, Gregory
378 Points / 5 Events
#50  Parker, Stephen
377 Points / 7 Events


***April 21*** @ VFW - DS/DP/KO w/ FREE WEEK ADDED

486 Bedford St
Fall River, MA

Double Stack (20,000)
15 Min Blinds
7:00 pm Registration 7:30 pm First Deal

20-39 = $200
40-59 = $400
60-79 = $800
80+ = $1,600

FREE WEEK of Buffets to winner of April 21, 2014 7:00 pm event

Collect Knock-Out Bounties and compete to earn a spot is South Coast's exclusive $500 Winner Take All Knock-Out Challenge!






Justin Guimond
John Murray
Carole Smith
Ryan Chua
Andre Pereira
David D'Iorio
Paul Seely