Qualified for $10,000 Monthly Championship: 39 out of 256

Rank Name Points Avg Wins Top 16s Events
#1 Sheehan, Joseph CHARITY 979 51.53 0 13 19
#2 Powers, Michael CHARITY 862 61.57 1 9 14
#3 Hebert, Lenora 799 53.27 0 7 15
#4 Young, Bob 791 71.91 0 9 11
#5 Lofgren, Stephen 746 43.88 0 10 17
#6 Rota, Brian 713 28.52 0 7 25
#7 Ho, Sam 702 54.00 1 8 13
#8 Marani, Jack 677 45.13 0 8 15
#9 Emmanouilidis, Yianni 610 55.45 2 6 11
#10 Cosmo, Jay 606 55.09 0 7 11
#11 Politano, Jean 582 38.80 1 5 15
#12 O'Hare , Kelly 524 65.50 1 6 8
#13 Bridgman, Michael 493 54.78 1 4 9
#14 Acerra, Bill "Milkshake" 475 52.78 0 5 9
#15 Cronin, Kevin 447 74.50 1 4 6
#16 Sierra, Richard 426 71.00 0 5 6
#17 Quinn, Jim 417 37.91 0 5 11
#18 Bosco, Jamey 395 43.89 1 3 9
#19 Rizza, Richard 393 49.13 0 6 8
#20 DeAmato, Susan 384 54.86 1 4 7
#21 Ziegler, Rick 383 54.71 0 4 7
#22 Torres, Victoria 377 37.70 0 4 10
#23 Le, Tuan 374 34.00 0 4 11
#24 Nice, Doc 363 51.86 0 5 7
#25 Boudreau, Sean 359 35.90 1 3 10
#26 Reissfelder-Harrold, Britta 351 87.75 1 3 4
#27 Winter, Toar 343 57.17 2 3 6
#28 Drum, Sandra 339 48.43 0 4 7
#29 Fegan, Marc 332 36.89 0 4 9
#30 Small, Chris 331 47.29 0 3 7
#31 Leblanc, Gerry 325 81.25 0 3 4
#32 Levy, Danny 321 80.25 0 3 4
#33 Van Putten III, Hank 314 44.86 0 4 7
#34 Congro, Basil 288 48.00 0 3 6
#35 Tauber, Wayne 284 71.00 1 3 4
#36 Davis, Gregory 280 93.33 1 3 3
#37 Harrold, Larry 279 69.75 0 3 4
#38 Nicholson, Todd 278 27.80 0 3 10
#39 Magee, Tom 277 39.57 0 3 7

The 39 players above this line are currently qualified for the January 2025 $10,000 Monthly Championship.

#40 Holt, Eddie 266 33.25 0 2 8
#41 Scalia, Gaspare 265 66.25 1 2 4
#42 Small, Stephanie 261 37.29 0 4 7
#43 Kuperschmid, Jason 260 86.67 0 2 3
#44 Taylor, Bryant 247 41.17 1 2 6
#45 Brown, Darrius 238 39.67 1 2 6
#46 DiBuduo, Bernard 235 58.75 0 3 4
#47 Kosikov, Artem 231 28.88 0 2 8
#48 Steele, Ted 220 73.33 1 2 3
#49 No Name Given 218 72.67 0 2 3
#50 Melvin, Brian 216 72.00 0 2 3
#51 Palmacci, Doug 214 53.50 0 2 4
#52 Costello, Richie 208 104.00 0 2 2
#53 Landry, William 202 28.86 0 3 7
#54 Swift, Maria 201 50.25 0 2 4
#55 Ortiz, Wilson 188 47.00 0 2 4
#56 Schonbach, Christopher 187 31.17 1 1 6
#57 Chisholm, Keith 182 91.00 0 2 2
#58 Fernandes, Lucas 180 180.00 1 1 1
#59 Matthews, Shane 179 25.57 0 1 7
#60 Bowden, Jeffrey 171 34.20 0 3 5
#61 O'Donnell, Susan 170 24.29 0 1 7
#62 Peterson, Jim 169 33.80 0 2 5
#63 Hwang, Yongbok 160 80.00 0 1 2
#64 Sullivan, Mark 156 52.00 1 1 3
#65 Polis, Keith 152 152.00 0 1 1
#66 Conant, Matt 147 147.00 0 1 1
#67 Handy, Jim 145 20.71 0 1 7
#68 Murray, John CHARITY 144 16.00 0 1 9
#69 Bagnell, bryan 137 137.00 0 1 1
#70 Fishman, Jordan 137 45.67 0 1 3
#71 Kalemkeridis, Themis 137 45.67 0 1 3
#72 St. Amand, Gerry 135 67.50 0 2 2
#73 Callahan, Nancy 134 33.50 0 1 4
#74 Padon, Kerri-Ann 133 44.33 0 2 3
#75 Crowley, Michael 132 66.00 0 1 2
#76 Hanson, Mike 127 127.00 0 1 1
#77 Santangelo, Robert 127 63.50 0 1 2
#78 Perez, Edwin 118 118.00 0 1 1
#79 Scott, Ronald 118 59.00 0 1 2
#80 Clark, Patrick 117 117.00 0 1 1
#81 Guilbeault, Robert 116 38.67 0 1 3
#82 Johnson, Tony 116 116.00 0 1 1
#83 Archambault, Jeremy 115 57.50 0 1 2
#84 Bradford, Craig 113 113.00 0 1 1
#85 Chamoun, Jim 112 37.33 0 1 3
#86 Brooks, Joseph 110 55.00 0 1 2
#87 Coutu, Kayla 110 55.00 0 1 2
#88 Mcmahon, Chad 110 27.50 0 1 4
#89 Driscoll, Greg 109 54.50 0 1 2
#90 Sousa, Michael 107 107.00 0 1 1
#91 Pantazolpoolos, Stelios 104 52.00 0 1 2
#92 Ramos, Jean 104 52.00 0 1 2
#93 Kay, Avery 102 102.00 0 1 1
#94 Lawry, Janelle 102 102.00 0 1 1
#95 O'Hare, Dennis 101 25.25 0 1 4
#96 Buza, Jim 100 50.00 0 1 2
#97 Sheppeck, Keefe 97 97.00 0 1 1
#98 Swears, Linda 93 31.00 0 1 3
#99 Wong, Andrew 93 31.00 0 1 3
#100 Camacho, Andrew 92 92.00 0 1 1
#101 Peterson, Keone 92 92.00 0 1 1
#102 Banyaniye, Patrick 90 22.50 0 1 4
#103 English, Jason 88 88.00 0 1 1
#104 Distefano, amy 87 43.50 0 1 2
#105 Dolan, Joseph 85 85.00 0 1 1
#106 Tedesco, David 85 42.50 0 1 2
#107 Gorman, Nathan 84 16.80 0 1 5
#108 Ellen, Jean 81 27.00 0 1 3
#109 Foley, Stephen 80 40.00 0 1 2
#110 Guess, Jess 80 40.00 0 1 2
#111 Pappas, Jim 80 10.00 0 0 8
#112 LeClair, Ben 79 39.50 0 1 2
#113 Stiegman JR, Robert 79 39.50 0 1 2
#114 Watson, Chuck 79 39.50 0 1 2
#115 McCarran, Liz 77 38.50 0 1 2
#116 Nigro, Danielle 73 36.50 0 1 2
#117 Geller, Phillip 71 23.67 0 1 3
#118 Sylvia, Eden 69 69.00 0 1 1
#119 Pasquale, Mike 68 68.00 0 1 1
#120 Womack, Drew 67 22.33 0 1 3
#121 Hennessee, Bob 66 66.00 0 1 1
#122 leger, michael 66 66.00 0 1 1
#123 Piaseczny, Chris 63 21.00 0 1 3
#124 Czolada, James 62 20.67 0 1 3
#125 Doherty, Eddie 62 62.00 0 1 1
#126 Dowd, Carolyn 62 31.00 0 1 2
#127 Lydon, Patrick 60 60.00 0 1 1
#128 Gorman, Joseph 59 59.00 0 1 1
#129 Quinn, Jay 59 19.67 0 1 3
#130 Bauer, Josh 57 28.50 0 1 2
#131 Alvarez, Ramon 54 54.00 0 1 1
#132 Anthony, David 50 10.00 0 0 5
#133 Schwartz, Ken 49 49.00 0 1 1
#134 Doherty, Tom 47 47.00 0 1 1
#135 Spier, Cindy 47 47.00 0 1 1
#136 Daley, Daniel 40 10.00 0 0 4
#137 Sikora, Anthony 40 10.00 0 0 4
#138 Renaud, Al 36 36.00 0 1 1
#139 Bartucca, Anthony 30 10.00 0 0 3
#140 Brigham, Bill 30 10.00 0 0 3
#141 Campbell, Ryan 30 10.00 0 0 3
#142 gorman, jeremy 30 10.00 0 0 3
#143 Holbrook, Allyson 30 10.00 0 0 3
#144 Perry, Damien 30 10.00 0 0 3
#145 Perry, Jesse 30 10.00 0 0 3
#146 Rimer, Steve 30 10.00 0 0 3
#147 Stenstrom, Rob 30 10.00 0 0 3
#148 Biagi Jr, John 20 10.00 0 0 2
#149 Caetano, Trevor 20 10.00 0 0 2
#150 Casey, Tom 20 10.00 0 0 2
#151 Cerqueira, Victor 20 10.00 0 0 2
#152 Clinton, Chuck 20 10.00 0 0 2
#153 Coulstring, Keith 20 10.00 0 0 2
#154 Croteau, Peter 20 10.00 0 0 2
#155 Cusack, Joe 20 10.00 0 0 2
#156 Dennehy, Jake 20 10.00 0 0 2
#157 Fernandes, Oliver 20 10.00 0 0 2
#158 Forrest, Aaron 20 10.00 0 0 2
#159 Gilman , Nancy 20 10.00 0 0 2
#160 Medeiros, Dan CHARITY 20 10.00 0 0 2
#161 Merlino, Hugh 20 10.00 0 0 2
#162 Mobark, Scott 20 10.00 0 0 2
#163 Olivere, Adam 20 10.00 0 0 2
#164 Salaices, Rich 20 10.00 0 0 2
#165 Scannell, Jim 20 10.00 0 0 2
#166 Shenker, Albert 20 10.00 0 0 2
#167 Small, Patrick 20 10.00 0 0 2
#168 Spencer, Nick 20 10.00 0 0 2
#169 Tulipano, Emilio 20 10.00 0 0 2
#170 Varela, John 20 10.00 0 0 2
#171 White, Tom 20 10.00 0 0 2
#172 Yurkstas, Tomas 20 10.00 0 0 2
#173 Avila, Manny 10 10.00 0 0 1
#174 Blais, Christopher 10 10.00 0 0 1
#175 Burdick, Brett 10 10.00 0 0 1
#176 Buzzee, Ben 10 10.00 0 0 1
#177 Campbell, Ralph 10 10.00 0 0 1
#178 Carchedi, Mike 10 10.00 0 0 1
#179 Casella, Keith 10 10.00 0 0 1
#180 Casey, David 10 10.00 0 0 1
#181 Chamberlain, Paul 10 10.00 0 0 1
#182 Champagne, Bob 10 10.00 0 0 1
#183 Chevalier, Andrew 10 10.00 0 0 1
#184 Ciampa, Mike 10 10.00 0 0 1
#185 Colon, Janelle 10 10.00 0 0 1
#186 Comeau, Jeff 10 10.00 0 0 1
#187 Conant, Matthew 10 10.00 0 0 1
#188 Connor, Ed 10 10.00 0 0 1
#189 Copell, John 10 10.00 0 0 1
#190 Dacci, Sean 10 10.00 0 0 1
#191 Dame, David 10 10.00 0 0 1
#192 Deangelo, Max 10 10.00 0 0 1
#193 Doherty, Tom 10 10.00 0 0 1
#194 Downs, Terry 10 10.00 0 0 1
#195 Drozewski, Thomas 10 10.00 0 0 1
#196 Duquette, Peter 10 10.00 0 0 1
#197 Fillion, Hank 10 10.00 0 0 1
#198 Flaherty, Ryan 10 10.00 0 0 1
#199 Gallagher, Patrick 10 10.00 0 0 1
#200 Goel, Varun 10 10.00 0 0 1
#201 Goldman, Jeff 10 10.00 0 0 1
#202 Harrington, Mark 10 10.00 0 0 1
#203 Hatch, David 10 10.00 0 0 1
#204 Haughey, Brian 10 10.00 0 0 1
#205 Heyda, Andrea 10 10.00 0 0 1
#206 Hill, James 10 10.00 0 0 1
#207 Jepson, Bob 10 10.00 0 0 1
#208 Jepson, sandy 10 10.00 0 0 1
#209 Joyce, Matt 10 10.00 0 0 1
#210 Joyce, Mike 10 10.00 0 0 1
#211 Kelliher, Brian 10 10.00 0 0 1
#212 Kennedy, John 10 10.00 0 0 1
#213 Kilcullen, Tom 10 10.00 0 0 1
#214 Landry, Brent 10 10.00 0 0 1
#215 Lenane, Tim 10 10.00 0 0 1
#216 Lewis, Aaron 10 10.00 0 0 1
#217 Lyons, Tyler 10 10.00 0 0 1
#218 Mabine, Thomas 10 10.00 0 0 1
#219 MacFawn, Steven 10 10.00 0 0 1
#220 Machowski, Eric 10 10.00 0 0 1
#221 Manning, Joe 10 10.00 0 0 1
#222 Melvin, Eamon P 10 10.00 0 0 1
#223 Moore, Ken 10 10.00 0 0 1
#224 Moreira, Helio 10 10.00 0 0 1
#225 Moss, Brendan 10 10.00 0 0 1
#226 Munichiello, Mike 10 10.00 0 0 1
#227 Munichiello, Mike 10 10.00 0 0 1
#228 Murphy, Steven 10 10.00 0 0 1
#229 Neves, Antonio 10 10.00 0 0 1
#230 Ng, Brian 10 10.00 0 0 1
#231 Palmacci, Mike 10 10.00 0 0 1
#232 Palumbo, Peter 10 10.00 0 0 1
#233 Parent, Reagan 10 10.00 0 0 1
#234 Pasquale, Michael 10 10.00 0 0 1
#235 Perez, Edwin 10 10.00 0 0 1
#236 Peterson, Doug 10 10.00 0 0 1
#237 Petras, Ann 10 10.00 0 0 1
#238 Petras, Stephen 10 10.00 0 0 1
#239 Riley, John 10 10.00 0 0 1
#240 Rivard, Tina 10 10.00 0 0 1
#241 Roy, Conrad 10 10.00 0 0 1
#242 Santangelo, Paul 10 10.00 0 0 1
#243 Silva, Clesio 10 10.00 0 0 1
#244 Simone, Ralph 10 10.00 0 0 1
#245 Sousa, Matt 10 10.00 0 0 1
#246 Stockbridge, Jason 10 10.00 0 0 1
#247 Stracco, Ashley 10 10.00 0 0 1
#248 Stracco, Michael 10 10.00 0 0 1
#249 sweeney, kathryn 10 10.00 0 0 1
#250 Tavares, Alex 10 10.00 0 0 1
#251 Taylor, Keisha 10 10.00 0 0 1
#252 Taylor, Marcus 10 10.00 0 0 1
#253 Thornton, Patrick 10 10.00 0 0 1
#254 Walsh, Kevin 10 10.00 0 0 1
#255 West, John 10 10.00 0 0 1
#256 Zuckerman, Dan 10 10.00 0 0 1