Bar Poker Open Florida Championship 2024
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December 2024 - Rankings

Tournament: Greater Lowell

Qualified for $10,000 Monthly Championship: 15 out of 96

Rank Name Points Avg Wins Top 16s Events
#1 Scott, Billy 781 60.08 0 9 13
#2 George , Patrick (curious) 771 70.09 0 9 11
#3 moore, miriam 770 55.00 0 9 14
#4 Senibaldi, Dennis 592 84.57 1 6 7
#5 Mildenberg, Les 581 96.83 0 6 6
#6 Destramp, Chun 487 54.11 1 5 9
#7 Gudaitis, Charles 475 59.38 0 5 8
#8 Martin, Janet 471 67.29 0 6 7
#9 Mee, Marie 461 65.86 1 5 7
#10 Stickles, Rick 456 50.67 1 5 9
#11 Bellinghieri, Amy 432 48.00 0 6 9
#12 Rollka, Richard 393 56.14 1 4 7
#13 Sherwood, Mark 387 55.29 0 4 7
#14 Ducharme, Mike 357 59.50 0 4 6
#15 Teahan, Brian 344 86.00 1 4 4

The 15 players above this line are currently qualified for the December 2024 $10,000 Monthly Championship.

#16 Beland Jr., Robert 341 56.83 0 5 6
#17 Tuttle, Noha 338 56.33 0 5 6
#18 Gagnon , Lisa 336 56.00 0 4 6
#19 Murray, John 335 55.83 0 4 6
#20 Shibles, Paul 335 67.00 0 3 5
#21 Scalzi, Tony 329 65.80 0 4 5
#22 Moran, John 323 80.75 0 4 4
#23 DeCologero, Anthony 319 79.75 0 4 4
#24 Bilodeau, Michael 295 49.17 1 3 6
#25 Mercier, Suzanne 294 58.80 0 4 5
#26 Ramos, Jean 292 146.00 1 2 2
#27 McNamara, Jim 290 48.33 0 4 6
#28 Johnson, Maria 288 32.00 0 4 9
#29 Harrison, Nicholas 275 68.75 1 3 4
#30 Masse, Dave 272 54.40 0 4 5
#31 Belluardo, Tom 266 38.00 0 4 7
#32 Lin, Ruby 258 36.86 0 3 7
#33 Costa, Ronniery 257 85.67 1 2 3
#34 Arbeely, Charlie 244 81.33 1 2 3
#35 DeProfio, Pat 236 78.67 0 3 3
#36 Reeves, Charlie 235 58.75 0 3 4
#37 iozzo, glenn 209 52.25 0 3 4
#38 Berube, Richard 208 69.33 1 3 3
#39 Graham, Kevin 201 67.00 0 2 3
#40 O'Neil, Christopher (LOWELL) 201 100.50 1 2 2
#41 Parker, Bethany 191 38.20 0 2 5
#42 Choate, David 189 63.00 0 3 3
#43 Novel, Dennis 178 59.33 0 2 3
#44 Martin , Adam 174 58.00 0 2 3
#45 Andrews, Ryan 173 57.67 0 2 3
#46 Murray, Joe 171 57.00 0 2 3
#47 Mercier, Al 168 56.00 0 2 3
#48 Foster, James 162 81.00 0 2 2
#49 Casey, Alexander 157 78.50 0 2 2
#50 Vadeboncoeur, Lewis 157 26.17 0 2 6
#51 DeProfio, Tony 155 38.75 0 3 4
#52 Albertelli, Gisele 152 76.00 0 2 2
#53 Silva, Dan 146 36.50 0 3 4
#54 Morse, Theresa 145 48.33 0 3 3
#55 Robinson, Malcolm 145 72.50 0 2 2
#56 Power, Brandin 143 23.83 0 1 6
#57 Wachtel, Mitch 142 71.00 1 1 2
#58 Wojtczak, Tomasz 141 47.00 0 2 3
#59 Thomas, Chris 140 70.00 0 2 2
#60 Murray, Paul 139 46.33 0 3 3
#61 Laverde, Anthony 137 45.67 0 1 3
#62 Adams, Paul 131 131.00 1 1 1
#63 Gardner, Keith 127 63.50 0 1 2
#64 Silva, Skip 117 117.00 0 1 1
#65 Pantoja, Juan 112 112.00 0 1 1
#66 Schofield, Paul 110 36.67 0 2 3
#67 Herman, Justin 103 103.00 0 1 1
#68 Trouville, Holly 92 92.00 0 1 1
#69 Urquiza, Ilber 88 88.00 0 1 1
#70 Marrocco, Chad 83 83.00 0 1 1
#71 Medina, Joshua 83 83.00 0 1 1
#72 graham, kevin 80 40.00 0 1 2
#73 Saitow, Rob 76 25.33 0 1 3
#74 Olsen, Jim 73 73.00 0 1 1
#75 Anza, Leonore 65 65.00 0 1 1
#76 Pimentel, Crystal 65 65.00 0 1 1
#77 Stieglitz, William 65 32.50 0 1 2
#78 Leonard, Mary 60 60.00 0 1 1
#79 Hughes, Connor 57 19.00 0 1 3
#80 Micozzi, Judy 55 55.00 0 1 1
#81 Beland, Christine 40 40.00 0 1 1
#82 Mendes, Justin 40 40.00 0 1 1
#83 Lorman, Josh 35 35.00 0 1 1
#84 Bright, Peter 30 10.00 0 0 3
#85 Andrews, Dylan "Princess" 10 10.00 0 0 1
#86 Canha, Joe 10 10.00 0 0 1
#87 Collins, Timothy 10 10.00 0 0 1
#88 Dunn, Tom 10 10.00 0 0 1
#89 Hunnewell, Donna 10 10.00 0 0 1
#90 Matthews, Jackson 10 10.00 0 0 1
#91 Micozzi, Andrew 10 10.00 0 0 1
#92 Pulchtopek, Stephen 10 10.00 0 0 1
#93 Ratte, Zach 10 10.00 0 0 1
#94 Shelgren, Michael 10 10.00 0 0 1
#95 Thomas, Matthew 10 10.00 0 0 1
#96 Westland, Cliff 10 10.00 0 0 1


Justin Guimond
Ryan Chua
Carole Smith
Oswald Garlington
John Murray
Paul Giroux
Steven Walsh