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Favorite Poker Hand:
It used to be Q-10. Not anymore. Probably K-K.
Favorite EPT Location:
Red's Kitchen-$300 GTD + BPO TOKENS- 6:30PM
About Me:
Do you really need to know? You probably know me by now. At least a little.
My Interests:
Rolled up aces over kings. Check-raising stupid tourists and taking huge pots off of them. Playing all-night high-limit Hold'em at the Taj, "where the sand turns to gold." Stacks and towers of checks I can't even see over.
Reason For Playing Poker:
I like it
Favorite Poker Story:
Winning over 400 bucks in a single hand off a guy that was clearly trying to bully me with his huge chip stack. He had no idea of the nut flush I was holding. He did not even have a pair by the end of the hand.
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