Name: John Coelho
Seasonal Tournament: Southern MA
Monthly Tournament: Southern MA
Hometown: Pokerwood
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Favorite Poker Hand:
Reason For Playing Poker:
Mike Wright
Andrew Carl
Rich Sheehan
Shawn Piche'
Jesse Mason
Alex Skaparas
Jane Wood
04-30-2010 12:58:52 AM
Love your updated profile and all you share, (favorite hand and why you play EPT! lol) You selling the first pplace finishes, i noticed the 5 seconds in recent history? Peesch
04-30-2010 12:58:52 AM
Love your updated profile and all you share, (favorite hand and why you play EPT! lol) You selling the first pplace finishes, i noticed the 5 seconds in recent history? Peesch