Bar Poker Open Florida Championship 2024
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Name: David Thatcher

Seasonal Tournament: Rhode Island

Monthly Tournament: Rhode Island

Hometown: Warwick RI


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Favorite Poker Hand:

Quad A's

Favorite EPT Location:

The Islander- $800 Guaranteed Payout!

Reason For Playing Poker:

For fun



09-25-2011 07:25:59 AM

Hey Bro, Congrats on your victory monday @ sharx!!!!!!!! Been very busy, just got back from Kentucky, three chimneys farm for the yearly yearling sales, beautifull young horses. I miss poker, i am suppossed to be retired!!!!! See you monday @ sharx where i will dethrone you. take care, Regards, the horse whisperer

09-17-2011 07:07:39 AM

Hey Bro, first of all your jeep is way too clean!!!  For Monday's game at Shark's, I'm bringing a bucket of mud to splash on your jeep to make it look like a jeep. I mentioned to Nick regarding the kids and the incident at Tavern 12.  I don't think much will be done, but I also believe in karma (what comes around goes around).  Thanks for your concern.  See you at Shark's.

08-14-2011 10:39:16 AM

Hey bro, Dad wants you to mow the lawn today!!!!! Sorry about the river @ the tavern , but thats poker. See you @ sharks monday eve for sure. I may play @ kingston bowl 4pm! Chow for now.


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