Bar Poker Open Florida Championship 2024
As Seen on Comcast


09-26-2010 06:40:11 AM

lol wat can i say i learned from da best.....yahhh bout da bill no thanks lol but when i win dinner is on me......

09-17-2010 09:01:54 PM

Thanks for adding me to your friends list Kevin. You are one of the players I can learn from to become a better player and I know I'd have to get real lucky if we ever go heads up for the win! (Hopefully you'll already have four or five wins and we can work out a deal.)

08-23-2010 02:07:26 PM

Hey kevin the points are all set. you got 4th. thanks

12-22-2009 11:55:58 AM

its all about the banquet hall openings

12-01-2009 07:07:55 AM

You should add me on as well!


Justin Guimond
Mike McGeehan
Paul Seely
Jesse Mason
Andre Pereira
John Murray
Carole Smith