Bar Poker Open Florida Championship 2024
As Seen on Comcast


09-21-2010 04:04:29 PM

Guess what today is?...YOUR BIRTHDAY!!!...Happy Birthday...

10-02-2009 10:44:50 PM

Wow well I guess I'm really late but now I know for next time anyway Happy Belated...Hope to see you at the tables soon

09-21-2009 10:41:02 PM

Thaaaaaank You VEEERY much!!!..You still never told me when yours was, I only know your a Virgo..

09-16-2009 02:13:09 PM

PR??..And you didn't bring me?..J/K....I'm alllways ready.

09-12-2009 10:24:49 PM

Getting closer...


Paul Seely
John Murray
Jesse Mason
Oswald Garlington
Ryan Chua
Greg Spirito
Andre Pereira