Bar Poker Open Florida Championship 2024
As Seen on Comcast


05-12-2011 12:07:17 PM

Hey Girlie, The Sunday Double Brunch much does that cost?  I was thinking about going.

02-03-2011 12:23:41 PM

Hey!  Yeah, I'll be there next Friday.  Can't wait!  I'm already signed up and ready to go....

07-19-2010 12:19:14 PM

Look at that! Number 1! I cant keep up with all these social networking sites! Forgive me for the delay. Lets be girls and have cocktails by the pool soon! I miss you!

01-04-2010 09:16:58 PM

In the winners circle!  Now you'll get them in bunches!

02-25-2009 02:27:57 PM

Macau poker rooms?  The only problem is that you will have to give back 87% of your winnings to The Peoples Republic of China.  But I expect you to be a hardened, cold and calculating player upon your return.  I fear that I will cringe at your mere presence in a poker room!


Ryan Chua
Paul Giroux
John Murray
David D'Iorio
Steven Walsh
Oswald Garlington
Carole Smith