Bar Poker Open Florida Championship 2024
Bar Poker Open

The Zim's BLOG

Poker with the Prince

10-24-2008 01:26:05 PM

Hello All; I know it has been awhile so here it is the long awaited return. First off I would like to wish Foxy a speedy recovery you will be in my thoughts and prayers. Also on a positive note I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of my So. Mass friends for supporting me threw the points championship either outside before the event or sitting behind me watching the final table and that was the best feeling to have even though i had a few to many lol. Well here there was the positive side of this blog here comes the rant and this is my opinion and my opinion only. This league is suppose to be FUN and to MAKE NEW FRIENDS!!!! I just dont understand people sometimes why there is name calling and talking trash at the table. Believe me i have been drunk and have made some stupid mistakes and thats what they were mistakes. I may have berated a player for making a bad call but never ever would i call them a bad name to me that is unprofessional and really uncalled for at the poker table. Tension may run high from time to time because we are playing for a shot at the wsop and millions in cash. I want people to understand that the game needs to be treated with class and respect. Thank you for taking the time to read this. See you at the tables Prince of EPT


David D'Iorio
Mark Thibodeau
Paul Giroux
Jesse Mason
John Murray
Ryan Chua
Paul Seely