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The Zim's BLOG

Poker with the Prince vol.2

07-14-2008 05:32:40 PM

Hello All: This week's blog is focased on two things emotions and etiquette at the table. Well let's start with emotions. I understand we all are guilty of clapping or yelling a yea baby a couple of times, but to scream, yell, jumped up and down and give high fives to the people routing you on is really not called for. It's understandable you get excited and believe me we all do but act professional at the table, The game is supposed to be a gentleman's game (no offense to the female poker players out there). So when you get a bad beat don't talk smack just say nice even if you dont mean it, or when a person hits the 3 outta on the river just tap the table and shake the persons hand and say good game. The game of texas hold'em should be treat with respect and class just look at professional from the old school like Amarillo Slim Preston and Doyal Brunson these guys know how the game is supposed to be played unlike the younger generation of players today. I know I know get with the times and to be honest i really don't want to when it comes to playing the cadillac of poker. Ok i ranted enough on this topic.
Now onto poker etiquette. I have been playing this tour for roughly two and a half years and have seen most of the people display proper poker etiquette, but some players don't even have a clue it's like they have blinders on and just look at there hand and there hand only. The most important piece of poker etiquette to me is checking it down when a third person is all in, but don't annouce checking it down because that's another breach of bad etiquette. Now people are gong to say one or two things to this first statement. First is going to be what if i have the nuts, well in my opinion it's coin flip and all depends how much is in the side pot but honestly i will very rarely bet into a dry pot. The second why check it down i'm asking to get sucked out on, come on wouldn't you rather have two people against one and be one step closer to top 16 or making the final table I sure would. Another thing i see alot is people using there cell phones at the table either texting or playing games on them and I'm no saint i have used my phone at the table and will practice what i preach. People your in a tournament for a satillite seat for the WSOP if the text or phone call is that important leave the table, so what you miss a few hands no big deal. In this writers opinion at no time you should be playing a game on your phone when your in a tournament. Splashing your chips into the pot come on people we are all adults here just place them near your cards. One last piece of etiquette and i will be done with this subject is taking to long on a hand. Ok i understand there are certain sitiuations where it is warrented to take a minute or 2 to decide but doing it every single time you get cards please you know in the first 15-20 seconds what you are doing with those cards and anyone tells me different i will say bs, but like i said these are mostly my opinions and will gladly discuss them with anyone at anytime. In closing the point im trying to make is act professional and tasteful at the table at all time till next time. Good Luck at the Tables
Prince of EPT


Steven Walsh
David D'Iorio
Paul Seely
Carole Smith
Mark Thibodeau
Paul Giroux
Mike McGeehan