Bar Poker Open Florida Championship 2024
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The Zim's BLOG

Poker with the Prince

07-07-2008 03:57:29 PM

Hello All:

I hope everyone had a safe and sober holiday weekend lol (on the sober part). Well i kicked off the forth festivities by going to foxwoods with some of the southern mass peeps for the $60 donkey tounrey. All and all it really wasnt that bad until the blinds went to 400-800 with a 75 dollars ante then it was an all in fest. Well I know you are all wondering how i did well i finished 50th out of 110 oh well the prince cant win them all baby but fellow bash brother Chris Leavitt finished 7th kudos to Chris when you see him. Well then we hit the new MGM room and to be honest i wasnt impressed. After we all ate at the buffett i decided to go upstairs and try my luck at the tables and it was a rollercoaster. So i tried my luck at the 1-2 no limit table and who do i see there is matt and lucky charms what a small world and they put matt at my table oh yea lucky me. Well i got busted out with pocket 7's and Matt was still in and up about 500 hundo. Well to everyone reading this hope it wasnt a bore. Till next time

Good luck at the tables
Prince of EPT


Andre Pereira
Carole Smith
Jesse Mason
Shane Matthews
John Murray
Oswald Garlington
Paul Giroux