Bar Poker Open Florida Championship 2024
Bar Poker Open

Piche''s BLOG

My Results in Hollywood (regretfully)

01-16-2009 04:48:17 PM

I will just state right away that I was first to be knocked out. I just didn't play well and was card dead for most of the time (but I am sure I will hear your point of views lol). But, I did win the cash game (playing $1/$2 and winning $350) the night before, and now I am wondering if that was a mistake giving the other's a perspective on how I play. However, the other five guys I was playing against wanted to chop the $5000 six ways, and since it was up to me for it to go through I did agree, since all other's were in agreement already. The breakdown was $1500, $700, and $350 for the other four, mixing that with the $250 for spending cash, at least I came back with more money that I left with. Which wasn't easy being out there where it cost $30-$40 for breakfast, just and egg meal with coffee!

As far as when it will be aired, I don't know what Sunday but, I do know starting this Sunday and for the next two Sundays it would be on at 4pm on whatever channel covers FSN or CSN.

Looking to get back to mix it up with all of you again, once I get over the stomach virus!



David D'Iorio
Mike McGeehan
Greg Spirito
Paul Giroux
Justin Guimond
John Murray
Paul Seely