Bar Poker Open Florida Championship 2024
Bar Poker Open

Dee Cee's BLOG

Today's Las Vegas Qualifying Tourney at 11:00 AM...

03-24-2024 01:57:45 PM

Hi there Poker Pals!
I was playing this morning's LV Qualifier at 11:00 AM at Bar Poker Open and their Server crashed in the middle of it. I was doing pretty good, 20K chipstack and at 220/501 players.
Then it went KAPUT!
Anyone out there that was playing? I sent an email to for a status report, and wondering if I would get any consideration.

Anyone have info on how I can get to Vegas for the Tourney with June 10th start?

Diane Cammarata
(Dee Cee)


Jesse Mason
John Murray
Oswald Garlington
Paul Giroux
Ryan Chua
Mark Thibodeau
David D'Iorio