Bar Poker Open Florida Championship 2024
Bar Poker Open

Ian's BLOG

New to EPT? A Guide to Choosing Games

05-08-2017 09:23:11 AM

There are 7 regions to play the EPT pub tournaments in Massachusetts and 1 in Rhode Island. When it comes to figuring out your highest likelihood of having a good time and winning a tournament, location is key. Here's my review of 5 regions in Mass:

#1 in Competition/Payout
If you're looking for a solid tournament experience where you are pitting yourself against solid players and will actually learn something to improve your own game, choose Charity games. The games have the highest buy-ins and the players generally take the game seriously. Those who have honed their games at Charity have gone on to do well at this year's EPT Open. And because the structure begins with a higher starting stack with longer levels and antes, there's more opportunities to see some exciting plays. That said, fish still show up and dump their chips.

#1 in Learning Experience
Central Mass players overlap with those of Charity. It's a great learning experience because you can play the same guys for a discounted buy-in. The small field is solid with some aggressive cash game players and past Open winners.

#1 in Donk Plays/Bad Beats/Older Rec Players
If you want to be steamed off the table, witness steaming, and occasionally get the chance to severely punish a fish, then North Shore is your best bet. These tournaments typically have the largest fields of players who are there to "have fun." Every all-in is followed by 3 or more guaranteed calls with mediocre hands. Everyone wants to either chip up early or go bust. Players pretty much play their hands face up. There are no slow plays or traps; I've seen players shoving on a rainbow flop after hitting a set of Aces. The majority of the field is also impossible to bluff and will call down 3 barrels on a draw. That said, there are a few solid players here who make it to every final table by simply capitalizing on the bad players.

#1 in Hot Waitresses/Table Talk/Younger Players
Lowell hosts tournaments in some of the best locations (e.g. Maxamillan's) with good service and food. On any given night, you might run into the Kevin Hart of poker on your table and get involved in hilarious side bets. The field is mixed, but there are a few solid young cash players who will 3-bet bluff and make you think.

#1 in Food
If you want to skip the monotony of pizza and pasta at every other region, then you're in for a treat at Framingham games. When you eat good, you play good. The field is a good mix in terms of skill level, stickler-ness about rules, and appearance. I genuinely enjoy playing in this region and wish I lived closer.


Justin Guimond
Shane Matthews
Paul Seely
Steven Walsh
Jesse Mason
Carole Smith
Oswald Garlington