Bar Poker Open Florida Championship 2024
As Seen on Comcast

Luke Glicksman

glix's BLOG

back at it

08-03-2013 01:43:14 PM

so i took a long break from ept, but now im back. it was nice to see all the old faces. tina all tan and happy, sue looking pretty as ever, radenes playing his tough style and ray who keeps getting the best of me. the standout player last night was del. however it was not his play on the tables that made him the standout, it was for his performance after. He was steaming mad at the tourny director(i still dont know why) and he was sure to let him know about it. let me tell every1: del was all over this guy and even called him my 2nd fav cuss word(i know there r ladies who read this so i can't say what word he used; but it was a doozy). the food was pretty awful. who serves linguica and peppers w/ no bread? its foolish. saw a lil brown in the salad, and i couldnt even identify the chicken. there is no doubt that the compitition in fall river is much better then n.b. Esp the 2 guys who ended up coming in 1st and 2nd. i cant remember their names but they r both good players.


Carole Smith
Steven Walsh
Justin Guimond
Greg Spirito
Andre Pereira
Paul Seely
Mike McGeehan