Bar Poker Open Florida Championship 2024
Bar Poker Open

Luke Glicksman

glix's BLOG

6-11-13 10th

06-12-2013 03:31:59 PM

so last night lucio said he would play me for ANY amount of $ heads up. I know im better then him so i think u'll all b reading soon that i went to SIZZLER on lucio's $. I gotta say his crazy calling style sometimes throws me for a loop but i can take him.i teammate nick was doing well when i bumped so i hope he did well, jim too. Danielle never showed. thats a bummer cuz i wanted to see how she felt about my posts. Nice to see my new homie del back in the mix. he was kill in out in vegas for a while( even though some fool sucked out on his pocket rockets). Looked like sue had a lil problem on her table, i wish i was there to add my 2 cents. He can handle her own though. Learned a new foolish ept rule. If u call the big blind and there was a raise before u, u only have 2 choices: either call the raise or fold and loose ur bb $. This seems like a bad rule being that we use unqualified dealers who dont call out raises.seems foolish. It was the first tourny that i went to that lance/tina didnt attend. it felt weird them not being there. Prob the reason why i got as far as i did. No paulo either. good to see scotty r and orbitz who i havent seen in a while. Can any1 tell me why ADEM wastes his 20$ everyday? to go all in 4 times in a row everyday seems like a waste. if he wants to hang out with the players he should just hang out. hes cool to be around so why waste 20$ just have a drink and chill. but whatever to each his own i like his $ on my table.The sausage and peppers was good last night and the fries were white with salt just like i like. i am surprised no1 complained because they were crazy salty. loved em. served salad too so big ups for that.


Andre Pereira
Paul Giroux
John Murray
Paul Seely
Jesse Mason
Ryan Chua
Mark Thibodeau