Bar Poker Open Florida Championship 2024
Bar Poker Open

Damian 'the TICK' Barbosa


Coming along....for the ride!

02-25-2009 02:08:38 PM

‘Coming along for the ride’---calling a relatively small all-in bet (with any two cards) with the hopes that others will also ‘come along’ thus creating a much larger pot than otherwise expected; this strategy works great when you have a bunch of ‘checker downers’ at the table.

Blinds: 300 – 600

Anthony ‘Fozzy The Bear’ LaFazia: Pushes all-in for 1700
Me: early / middle position: call with the 5 – 4o
One other player calls

Flop: check, check
Turn: check, check
River: check, I bet 2k, fold

Fozzy has middle pair; the TICK has a straight.

I win a 5700 pot for the 1700 investment. The ‘Bear’ storms off in disbelief; The TICK goes to the final table and probably would have taken it down if my boat didn’t get sunk by flopped Quad 5’s.

The strategy is mathematical and sound; the implied odds are sky high, and you only have to call that initial all-in without the pressure of a sure fire continuation bet on the flop. The strategy is contingent on the fact that many poker players have the false belief that they should just ‘check it down’ when someone is all-in (read my previous post on this ‘etiquette’).

Long live The Donkey Checker Downer! (DCD) this special species of poker animal hates to break established poker etiquette and will be seen checking down top pair consistently, the DCD then laments of his poor luck when he loses on the turn or river and then is personally insulted when you bet at him, the DCD is usually a rigid player with little creativity, you can hear them saying “I hate A – A, I never win with them, or A – K is just a drawing hand!” HAHAHAHAHA!

Coming soon: Why you should never over bet A – A.

Damian 'the TICK' Barbosa


03-01-2009 05:56:38 PM

And the only other reason I called a 1600 dollar raise with j10 o was because of the 4 other callers and pot odds...

alot of people don't understand that majority of the time their cards are live and they have a good chance on making alot of $$ calling a nice pot with rags.. and no matter what you will ALWAYS be called a donkey..

... but if you're walking out with a full pocket then sometimes it's a good thing

..always admire your play Tick


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