Bar Poker Open Florida Championship 2024
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Damian 'the TICK' Barbosa


Checking it down: a recent example

08-04-2008 12:41:02 PM

Not checking it down leads to a win:

Tavern 12: Saturday, August 2, 2008
Players remaining: 4
Blinds: 5K, 10K
My position: Small blind
Under the gun: Pushes ALL IN for 17K
2nd position: Fold
Small blind (me): 10 / 9 off suit, call 12K
Big Blind: call 7K

Flop: 10, blank, blank

I lead out with a minimum bet of just 10K, as I have top pair but a weak kicker.

Big blind: Shocked that I just bet into a dry side pot…folds his Ace / rag.

Turn and river: Both blanks

I take the pot down: 51K

Here is the point: If I had been a ‘checker downer’ I would have let the Big Blind catch a straight on the river! Instead of having 100K in chips I would have only 50K. This very well could have been the difference between winning and not winning.


08-06-2008 12:10:55 PM

At that point in the tournament on the money bubble to me... it was worth adding 12,800 to a 20K stack chop two ways for $2600 each.  That move put me in a position of 30 times the blinds instead of being close to 10 times and needing a double up in order to compete.  Ironically i chopped with the guy who I bet out of the all in situation and he complimented my play after of course we both came out winners.
Damian, i agree with you 100%.. as did my bank account that night :)

08-06-2008 12:09:56 PM

example #2: Foxwoods $100-
I hold As-7s in BB at 600-1200 w/ 200 ante and call an all-in (3600).  3 in the pot (12,800) Flop comes out 5x - 7h - 9x... the small blind checks... i go all in for 20K thinking small blind didn't hit... hoping all-in guy didn't.  Small blind fold... Kh - 2s on the turn and river.  All in guy didn't hit A-8.. my pair of 7s are good.  Small blind furious he folded a K.   I said "I needed that pot and had to protect my pair"


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