Bar Poker Open Florida Championship 2024
Bar Poker Open

Lionel's BLOG

Hello All

11-15-2007 11:10:45 AM

I just wanted to say Welcome to EPT. I have been in and around EPT as it has evolved. I spent sometime away but have been back for the past 4 months working as the Southern Mass Manager. I would like to thank all those who have supported us throughout our time here. We are going through some changes and appreciate everyones patience. I along with Glenn and the rest of EPT are going to strive and make it better than every. Thanks again to all of you who have supported us and enjoy playing the game of poker. Please feel free to email or make comments on how you would like to see things and make sure you invite freinds and famil to take part in this great game.


Jesse Mason
Oswald Garlington
Andre Pereira
Steven Walsh
Carole Smith
Shane Matthews
David D'Iorio