Bar Poker Open Florida Championship 2024
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ramone's BLOG

getting started

01-26-2011 12:32:12 AM

I've been playing cards for a long time , but this is the first time I have ever played in an orginized situation...It was tough the first few months but I do feel and my play shows I am getting comfortable with live play as well as my ability to read people and antisipate what card will come... I feel good about what I have been able to accomplish thus far ...(3) wins this season..
but am still hungry for more... I guess time will tell if I can make this into a career or not .. it is my goal...after all it is only pub poker to this date for me.. although I have met some very good players in this league.. a few I actually like... not not to mention a few vary good looking lady players.. all and all it been a good expierance... looking forward to the future of EPT


Jesse Mason
John Murray
Carole Smith
Mark Thibodeau
Oswald Garlington
Mike McGeehan
Ryan Chua