Bar Poker Open Florida Championship 2024
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Playing for the money

10-21-2009 03:52:01 PM

So last week I went out in tenth in Attleboro and I was feeling pretty good after b/c I went to Foxwoods and won a nice amount. That said I enjoy playing in these games and tourneys, I love the people and fun we have, I play to have fun and meet new people (which I've been doing a lot of) but all of this will be for nothing if I don't get a win. So...this week is target week everyone has a target and I'm going for it.
If your at my table this week there is a bounty on your poker head...
Please don't take this too seriously it's all in good fun and I'm only joking...or am I???
Just kidding, but if I where you...I'd beware!
Look forward to seeing everyone there!!!


Ryan Chua
John Murray
Steven Walsh
Paul Giroux
Shane Matthews
Mike McGeehan
Justin Guimond