Bar Poker Open Florida Championship 2024
Bar Poker Open

Adam's BLOG

8/8/10 Kingstown Deepstack

08-16-2010 11:27:39 AM

Finally, my first win. And it took a ton of coinflipping.

Early on, led the Ace turn with K-9 and was given credit for the A, took down a decent pot.

Raised QQ to 1500, got 2 calls. Flop came Jack high, bet 5K and took it down. (4:37)

Raised on the button to 2400 at 400/800 with JJ, flop came 4-J-A. Bet 2000, opponent shoved, I call and held up and get to 28,300 starting that hand at about 20K. (5:14)

Picked up A-6 in the SB, 4 way limped pot. Flop came A-9-T, I bet 3K and get called. Turn is a King, I bet 4K and get shoved on. Folded, and get shown Q-J for the turned straight. (5:48)

Shoved 14,900 at the final hand of 800/1600 with AQ after one limp and took it down preflop to get to 18,900. Missed a bet with J-7 on a board of 7-T-A-A-3 against a worse 7. In the big blind, picked up 9-5 and flopped 3-5-3, bet 4K into the 6K pot and took it down, 24,900 at the chip-up. (6:03)

UTG raises to 9K, hijack shoves for 18K, I 4-bet shove with A-K to 26K. UTG calls with KQ, hijack had KJ. Ace on the flop and a brick board gets me to 74K. By the final table I have 68K. I picked up J-J in the BB, hijack, cutoff and SB all limped. I shoved 77K total and everyone folded, getting me to 92K. (6:43)

Called an 18K shove in the BB with KQ against two AQs. Called SB next hand with KQ and check-folded the turn. (???)

Best possible run of hands for the later stage of the event came. Picked up A-A at the second hand of 10K/20K, shoved and won. Shoved Ac9c and won and then shoved with KsJs. Picked up about 60K in blinds on those hands. Called someone's 72K shove with A-A to get us to 3 handed.

Adam Dawley and the 2nd place guy got into a huge pot with a pair vs. overcards and I was heads-up with a 3-1 chip disadvantage. Shoved nearly every single hand and won about 3 or 4 coinflips to take the chip lead. Picked up fives, sevens, and started shoving with Q-rag and K-rag, shoved the last hand with 5-5 and got called by 7-4 or something like that to win it all.


Andre Pereira
Oswald Garlington
Mike McGeehan
Shane Matthews
Paul Seely
Greg Spirito
Carole Smith