Bar Poker Open Florida Championship 2024
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Adam's BLOG

8/3/10 Tavern 12

08-03-2010 11:48:40 PM

Started out early with a few encouraging easy takedowns.

Limped with Ac2c, Flopped A-4-8 rainbow. Bet 400, got 2 calls. The turn was a 6, and I got called on a 600 chip bet. River was a 7, bet 800 got called and won the showdown.

Picked up 9-8, flopped a 9 and turned an 8. Shoved on the turn which brought a third club and was called and shown only bottom pair that didn't improve. Hung around between 14 and 18K most of these levels.

Got moved and ran a great bluff at the new table. With blinds at 600/1200 in position I raised to 3000. Got called by UTG who limped preflop and flopped 8s5c2s. Bet 4K to his check, he tank folded and I get moved after that.

Biggest hand for me was picking up T-T in the BB. the three seat limped with blinds at 600/1200 and I raise to 4800. He thinks for a while and calls. Flop comes Tc-6s-9c. I instantly shove 14.8K and he calls with the J-T. Turn comes a 3d and a blank, possibly an Ace. I double up to about 40K.

Worst hand that I need to take time off to look at went as follows. Final hand before the chip up and a 10 minute break, I start with about 40K in the BB with K-7o. The button limps and I check. Flop runs K-Q-2. SB checks, I bet 4K, he calls and checks the turn dark. Heads up, the turn is a 3. I check and he shoves the river dark. This alone shows he has a huge hand and was messing around to confuse me into playing. The river is a 7, and I instantly call, he tables 2-2 for the flopped set.

My biggest problem here was how little I considered what he had. I had top and middle pair and I didn't even consider how many chips he had before calling. I was so convinced I was ahead with the King that when I improved I immediately assumed I had the best hand. His line makes perfect sense, as he checks to get someone to bet the flop. When he knows I have a hand, he calls and checks dark to take his position disadvantage away and he knows I'll bet. When I check the turn he shoves the river dark to make it look like he's trying to buy the pot.

If the river is anything but a King or a 7 I probably fold and save myself money. I only lost 7700 on the poor play, as I'm definitely betting that flop 3 handed. I go from 35K to 28K after the chip-up.

Laid down 2-2 in the big blind with blinds at 2k/4k to a shove to 13k. He said he had 6-6, not sure if that is true or not. Limped Ah-Kh UTG+1 near the bubble. Flop brought a 4, same guy from the other hand had A-4 and scooped my 4K. Worst weak-tight play I've had in a long time came when I folded KQ to a shove with 17 players left. Board would've ran 9-9-K-K-3.

Blinded myself down to nothing, folded Q6 when I could've shoved 9K vs. the 6K shortstack BB. Eventually shoved with Q8 against 10-5 and the board ran 5-5-2-3-4. 12th place.


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