Bar Poker Open Florida Championship 2024
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CheckBluff's BLOG

Final Table Blinds smoked me

08-03-2008 03:49:35 PM

I made the final table in East Providence at Spiritos.  I haven't done well in a live tournament in a while.  I was floating around 30,000 when i made the final table.  The blinds were 5,000-10,000 and going up soon.  I was dealt A of clubs, J of clubs about two or three hands into the final table.  I shoved my 30,000 into the middle.  I was called outta the big blind by A of diamonds 5 of Diamonds, and after we both made two pair, i had doubled up.  I managed to survive down to three people by stealing a couple blinds here and there with decent hands.  I wasn't in the mood to push with anything but decent cards, i played too hard to just throw it away.  And trust me I have donked plenty.  I was chipped down to about 45,000 and decided on the button three handed to push when i looked down at the K of spades only,  I was called behind by a pair of 6's.  No king came and I was on my way to the rail.  Not a bad showing.
*I came back fromt he break with 3,000 in chips, doubled up with 77, and tripled of with a set of 6's, and hit a miracle jack when i was all'in from the small blind with j-5 of hearts with 2 tables left. 
*My hand at home games is 10-8, i have hit a lot of flops with that hand.  I raised the blinds of 400-800 to 1800, when i flopped two pair i managed to get my opponet all in which allowed me to get ahead of the rapid blinds.


Shane Matthews
Carole Smith
Oswald Garlington
Mark Thibodeau
Paul Giroux
Ryan Chua
David D'Iorio