Bar Poker Open Florida Championship 2024
As Seen on Comcast

Ed "Mr. 666" Otto

MR - 666's BLOG

no ept at the lodge in belmont nh

05-26-2010 10:46:38 PM

What is going on we go to play are game tonight at the lodge in belmont,They tell us that the state has told the we can play are scheduled game,But well have nothing to do with the EPT POKER,,???
We ask why, They have no answer for us ,they shrug shoulders, That is what we were told buy , State Gaming,, I think that we should have had a and answers to are Questions,,????
Is this going to be like when we tryed to paly for a seat in the WPT,??? and we were stoped ???
Who has the Answers

i think it is BAD BIZ when mangment OR THE STATE has no Answers


Greg Spirito
Ryan Chua
Paul Seely
Mark Thibodeau
David D'Iorio
Paul Giroux
Oswald Garlington