11/20/2012 $300 GTD @ Sports Legends Pub- BPO TOKENS! 10 - RI
10/23/2012 $300 GTD @ Sports Legends Pub- BPO TOKENS! 47 15 RI
08/28/2012 $300 GTD @ Sports Legends Pub- BPO TOKENS! 10 - RI
08/02/2009 North Bowl 10 - S.MA
06/21/2009 North Bowl 10 - S.MA
06/07/2009 North Bowl 10 - S.MA
05/27/2009 Son's of Italy 10 - RI
05/17/2009 North Bowl 10 - S.MA
05/16/2009 Red's Kitchen-$300 GTD +BPO TOKENS- 6:30PM 100 6 RI
05/10/2009 North Bowl 141 1 S.MA
05/09/2009 Red's Kitchen-$300 GTD +BPO TOKENS- 6:30PM 55 13 RI
05/03/2009 North Bowl 10 - S.MA
05/02/2009 Luxury Box Southern Mass 10 - S.MA
04/26/2009 North Bowl 10 - S.MA
04/18/2009 Red's Kitchen-$300 GTD +BPO TOKENS- 6:30PM 10 - RI
04/11/2009 Red's Kitchen-$300 GTD +BPO TOKENS- 6:30PM 136 1 RI
04/08/2009 Son's of Italy 10 - RI
03/29/2009 North Bowl 106 5 S.MA
03/28/2009 Red's Kitchen-$300 GTD +BPO TOKENS- 6:30PM 10 - RI
03/15/2009 North Bowl 50 14 S.MA
03/01/2009 North Bowl 75 9 S.MA
01/09/2009 Brickyard Bar & Grill 10 - RI
01/08/2009 Brickyard Bar & Grill 10 - RI
01/04/2009 North Bowl 89 8 S.MA
12/18/2008 Brickyard Bar & Grill "Fridays" 68 11 RI
12/17/2008 Son's of Italy 10 - RI
12/11/2008 Brickyard Bar & Grill 10 - RI
12/08/2008 Chelos Bar & Grill Rumford 10 - RI
12/07/2008 Shanghai Gardens 66 11 S.MA
12/04/2008 Brickyard Bar & Grill "Fridays" 10 - RI
11/30/2008 Shanghai Gardens 10 - S.MA
11/23/2008 Shanghai Gardens 10 - S.MA
11/13/2008 Brickyard Bar & Grill "Fridays" 47 15 RI
11/02/2008 Shanghai Gardens 10 - S.MA