Bar Poker Open Florida Championship 2024
As Seen on Comcast


#1  Palombo, Brian
1910 Points / 63 Events
#2  Rebollo, John
1833 Points / 64 Events
#3  Chi, James
1660 Points / 46 Events
#4  Hammond, Steve
1455 Points / 73 Events
#5  Nordin, Jarrod
1434 Points / 33 Events
#6  Frenze, Mike
1400 Points / 51 Events
#7  Parsons, Teresa
1395 Points / 57 Events
#8  Tremblay, Ron
1392 Points / 64 Events
#9  Corey, Nino
1382 Points / 47 Events
#10  Suzzi, Brian
1246 Points / 65 Events
#11  Jewell, The Golden Baby
1245 Points / 44 Events
#12  Nonnenmacher, Andy
1231 Points / 47 Events
#13  Frechette, Chris
1220 Points / 37 Events
#14  Hunter, Sam
1218 Points / 69 Events
#15  Bagley, Micheal
1180 Points / 44 Events
#16  Amend, Mike
1170 Points / 57 Events
#17  Godin, Brad
1156 Points / 49 Events
#18  Caraccia, Michael
1122 Points / 56 Events
#19  Babcock, Bill
1112 Points / 23 Events
#20  Martin, Tommy
1096 Points / 31 Events
1065 Points / 35 Events
#22  Pond, Jim
1060 Points / 46 Events
#23  Shorey, John
1036 Points / 61 Events
#24  Dowling, Paul
1022 Points / 43 Events
#25  Sanford, James
1015 Points / 42 Events
#26  Iacovino, Steve
1015 Points / 66 Events
#27  Hernandez, Luisa
991 Points / 36 Events
#28  Bowden, Jeffrey
990 Points / 34 Events
#29  Sierra, Pablo
985 Points / 46 Events
#30  Ramaglia, Peter
975 Points / 45 Events
#31  Anderson, Keith
968 Points / 31 Events
#32  Tait, Bryan
960 Points / 31 Events
#33  Martin, Dina
950 Points / 40 Events
#34  Pontarelli, Mark
945 Points / 33 Events
#35  Smith, James
910 Points / 47 Events
#36  bassi, smoke the good stuff
900 Points / 30 Events
#37  Wolf, EPT Donkey
890 Points / 34 Events
#38  Potter, Al
837 Points / 37 Events
#39  Finch, Paul
831 Points / 37 Events
#40  Ramaglia, Denise
780 Points / 41 Events
#41  Bag O' Donuts, Joseph
778 Points / 19 Events
#42  Teutonico, Tony
765 Points / 32 Events
#43  Lauder, Rick
765 Points / 40 Events
#44  Amend, Aces
750 Points / 39 Events
#45  Supinski, Paul
725 Points / 31 Events
#46  Barbosa, Damian 'the TICK'
725 Points / 23 Events
#47  Reynolds, Michael
720 Points / 22 Events
#48  Weller, Jon
713 Points / 29 Events
#49  Jewell, Michelle
680 Points / 34 Events
#50  Diekerhoff, Justin
670 Points / 21 Events


Balls Sports Bar

1150 Oaklawn Ave.
Cranston, RI

(401) 734 - 9955

With the energetic wait-staff, the great atmosphere, and an owner that loves to play poker, Eastern Poker Tour Thursday nights promises to be a GREAT TIME!!





12-10-2007 01:48:34 PM

The food is "wonderful".  The owners should be embarrassed.

10-22-2007 01:15:54 PM

Looks like some good tournaments take place here.  I think I'll check this one out...


Andre Pereira
John Murray
Carole Smith
Paul Giroux
Greg Spirito
Paul Seely
Steven Walsh