Bar Poker Open Florida Championship 2024
As Seen on Comcast


#1  Iacovino, Steve
3225 Points / 83 Events
#2  Letourneau, Ron
2901 Points / 72 Events
#3  Moretti, Kevin
2723 Points / 85 Events
#4  Lambert, Gloria
2156 Points / 77 Events
#5  Supinski, Paul
2154 Points / 48 Events
#6  Wong, Marie
2107 Points / 58 Events
#7  Babcock, Bill
2098 Points / 46 Events
#8  Vierra, Don
2081 Points / 60 Events
#9  Vierra, Susan
2054 Points / 59 Events
#10  Gallucci, Jane
2048 Points / 64 Events
#11  Piscione, Richard
2007 Points / 75 Events
#12  Rebollo, John
1991 Points / 59 Events
#13  Spirito, Greg
1989 Points / 60 Events
#14  Gallucci, Louis
1946 Points / 68 Events
#15  Iannucci, Debbie
1901 Points / 69 Events
#16  Therisod, Francesco
1832 Points / 42 Events
#17  LaFazia, Anthony
1805 Points / 39 Events
#18  Mcguire, Bill
1799 Points / 47 Events
#19  King, Raymond
1770 Points / 61 Events
#20  DeFelice, Ginger
1766 Points / 56 Events
#21  Barbosa, Damian 'the TICK'
1685 Points / 48 Events
#22  Reeves, Steve
1684 Points / 41 Events
#23  Lambert, James
1676 Points / 49 Events
#24  Russell, Kevin
1662 Points / 57 Events
#25  Belluscio, John
1637 Points / 53 Events
#26  Cioffi, Anne-Marie
1630 Points / 53 Events
#27  Letourneau, Jeanne
1569 Points / 73 Events
#28  Correia, Nicholas
1534 Points / 54 Events
#29  Schiller, Mike
1485 Points / 44 Events
#30  Lambert, Douglas
1432 Points / 48 Events
#31  Weeks, Anthony
1395 Points / 49 Events
#32  Bag O' Donuts, Joseph
1363 Points / 42 Events
#33  Decosta, Kevin
1336 Points / 37 Events
#34  Tameo, John
1313 Points / 44 Events
#35  Chet, Toney
1297 Points / 43 Events
#36  Hernandez, Luisa
1291 Points / 29 Events
#37  Garlington, Oswald
1244 Points / 45 Events
#38  Denomme, Paul
1214 Points / 25 Events
#39  Bowden, Jeffrey
1195 Points / 30 Events
#40  Tinley, Rick
1195 Points / 24 Events
#41  Cahir, Paul
1195 Points / 51 Events
#42  Weller, Jon
1181 Points / 30 Events
#43  Rezendes, Scott
1142 Points / 23 Events
#44  Mccarthy, Chris
1134 Points / 43 Events
#45  Dozois, Robert
1115 Points / 30 Events
#46  Germano, Peter
1114 Points / 32 Events
#47  Carr, Robert
1103 Points / 26 Events
#48  Cabral, Jonathan
1079 Points / 36 Events
#49  Orpen, Robert
1067 Points / 35 Events
#50  Lambert, Rachael
1065 Points / 38 Events


Son's of Italy

99 Hicks St
East Providence, RI

(401) 435-6592





12-17-2009 08:10:50 PM

Didnt Spiritos move to Broadway........... time to update

10-16-2007 11:50:58 AM

some seriously good food at this place!


Mike McGeehan
Greg Spirito
Steven Walsh
Mark Thibodeau
Paul Giroux
Andre Pereira
Shane Matthews