Bar Poker Open Florida Championship 2024
Bar Poker Open


11th Most Powerful Tip
by Bluff Magazine Staff

Today, I’m presenting my choices, in selected categories, of the 11th most powerful tips in poker. Great care has been taken not to consider what the top 10th might be. Instead, I’ve chosen the actual tips that seemed somewhat like 11th-place finishers at the precise moment of selection. Few other authorities can make this claim. more...
Shorthanded Tournaments
by Vanessa Rousso,

As an increasing number of tournaments designated as “shorthanded” materialize on tournament schedules nationwide, there is a void of in-depth strategy analysis dedicated to this very unique breed of tournament poker. more...
Poker Tip of The Day
by Phil Gordon

In this video, Phil Gordon explains the value of your low pocket pair. A call against unsuited overcards is a 50-50 shot at best. Get in the hand as cheaply as possible, then try and trap your opponent if you hit the set. Watch Video
by James St. Louis of Official World Poker Tour Magazine

It’s a hand that almost everyone will play differently. But get it wrong and your chip stack will take a major hit. This month, James St Louis helps you play this pocket pair. more...

Another great article from the Official World Poker Tour Magazine.
by Barry Carter of Official World Poker Tour Magazine

So you’ve won games, mastered some moves and think you’re ready to raise the stakes? Barry Carter’s guide to upgraders’ errors will help you avoid ending up with empty-pockets.

Got this article from the Official World Poker Tour Magazine... thought a lot of our players would enjoy it... -presidente more...
Top 10 Starting Hands in Texas Hold'em
by Glenn McCrory

If you start with any of these ten hands during Texas Hold'em, you are in excellent shape. Don't be afraid to push hard with these hands. Maximizing payout without letting someone catch on the river, that might take a little practice. more...
The Top 10 Worst Starting Hands
by Glenn McCrory

Do you know what the worst starting hands in poker are? Knowing these hands is just as important as knowing the top ten starting hands. Mainly because we just don't want to listen to the bad beat story when your terrible hand wins. more...
Table Image
by J. Michael Egan one of the most important things in the game of poker. Make sure to pay attention to how people react to certain hands and situations. These clues can give you a better chance at understanding what hand they are holding. "Bad Beats" Michael Egan writes us an article to help you with this. more...


Paul Seely
David D'Iorio
Paul Giroux
Oswald Garlington
Mark Thibodeau
Jesse Mason
Justin Guimond