Bar Poker Open Florida Championship 2024
As Seen on Comcast


#1  Garrett, Robert
176 Points Awarded
#2  Bracy, Danielle
149 Points Awarded
#3  Kelly, Johnny
144 Points Awarded
#4  Doherty, Tom
134 Points Awarded
#5  Gardell, Sean
129 Points Awarded
#6  Chobanian, Mark
124 Points Awarded
#7  Curini, Pietro
119 Points Awarded
#8  Giroux, Paul
114 Points Awarded
#9  Gardner, Jim
93 Points Awarded
#10  Germano, John
88 Points Awarded
#11  Moreira, Helio
83 Points Awarded
#13  Connaughton, Cathy
73 Points Awarded
#14  Vredenburg, Kyle
68 Points Awarded
#15  Silva, Wilson
63 Points Awarded
#16  James, Bill
58 Points Awarded


Holiday Superstack $10,000 Guarantee

New Year's Day $10,000 GTD SUPERSTACK


12/19/2015 @ 12:00 PM

Elks Club
152 Winslow Ave
Norwood, MA

Registration Time:11:00 AM
First Hand Dealt At:12:00 PM

12:00 PM - $10,000 GUARANTEED SUPER-STACK (80%)
- $160 for 30,000 chips
- 25 min levels first 10 levels
- 30 min levels after level 10
- re-entry allowed first 6 levels
- 80% payout

This event is part of the Charity tournaments Tour

Buy In:
Proceeds to benefit:
Shooting Touch, Inc





Mark Thibodeau
Andre Pereira
Jesse Mason
Mike McGeehan
Paul Giroux
Steven Walsh
Paul Seely