Bar Poker Open Florida Championship 2024
As Seen on Comcast


#1  Anderson, Brendan
165 Points Awarded
#2  Castelli, Phil
142 Points Awarded
#3  Wilbur, Eric
137 Points Awarded
#4  Kourtelidis, Nicholas
127 Points Awarded
#5  Drum, Sandra
122 Points Awarded
#6  Morris, Doug
117 Points Awarded
#7  Nass, Bass
112 Points Awarded
#8  Casey, Tom
107 Points Awarded
#9  Hwang, Yongbok
88 Points Awarded
#10  Garlington, Oswald
83 Points Awarded
#11  Forte, James
78 Points Awarded
#12  DiBuduo, Bernard
73 Points Awarded
#13  Smith, Carole
68 Points Awarded
#14  Wilbur, Carol
63 Points Awarded
#15  Drazek, John
58 Points Awarded
#16  Fahey, Jeff
53 Points Awarded


$30 Foxwoods Satellite

$30 Foxwoods Satellite



109 Country Rd
Walpole, MA

Registration Time:12:30 PM
First Hand Dealt At:1:00 PM

$30 for 5,000 chips
25/50 starting stack
15 min levels

Players finishing in top 10% at an EPT event are put on a list for free entry at this event. Top 10% Finish cannot be used for re-entry, and only one entry per person can be used

Registration and Re-entry allowed through level 6
$30 add-on for 10,000 chips during level 6 break

This event is part of the Charity tournaments Tour

Buy In:
Pay Out:

For every $580 in the payout (~1 in 27 entries) we will give away a Foxwoods $580 Seat for Flight C (Friday, August 7, 2015)
- Top 10% vouchers and Add-Ons count towards the entry count
- Difference not adding up to $580 will be paid as $150 (80%) Superstack entries at 4PM (rounding UP to nearest $150)





Mike McGeehan
Mark Thibodeau
Jesse Mason
Greg Spirito
John Murray
Ryan Chua
Oswald Garlington