Bar Poker Open Florida Championship 2024
Bar Poker Open


#1  Pereira, Fred
146 Points Awarded
#2  Dery, Bill
128 Points Awarded
#3  Welch, Meredith
123 Points Awarded
#4  Anderson, James
113 Points Awarded
#5  Fairneny, James
108 Points Awarded
#6  Chobanian, Mark
103 Points Awarded
#7  Ryan, Mike
98 Points Awarded
#8  Burgess, Sean
93 Points Awarded
#9  Majkut, Bohdan
78 Points Awarded
#11  Conti, John
68 Points Awarded
#12  Carafa, Tony
63 Points Awarded
#13  McPhillips, Tim
58 Points Awarded
#14  Miller, Stephen
53 Points Awarded
#15  Dugas, Connie
48 Points Awarded
#16  Tracey, James
43 Points Awarded


PC - 11/22



11/22/2014 @ 1:00 PM

108 Robbins Rd
VFW Post 5188
Walpole, MA

Registration Time:12:30 PM
First Hand Dealt At:1:00 PM

$70 FOR 20,000 STARTING STACK (includes $10 donation for 5K ADD-ON)

Tournament Structure:
- 25/50 Starting Blinds
- 20 min (first 10) - 30 min levels (after level 10)
- Re-entry allowed through level 6

Championship Discount:
- players who missed the championship or battle of champions can play this event at a $50 discount
- you must email and have request confirmed before 11/14 to qualify
- requests after 11/14 or on day of tournament will not be honored
- Attending either Day 1A or Day 1B of the $36K Championship would void discount.
- This discount is only meant for those who could knew they could no longer attend the championship because of the three changes EPT made:
1. Battle Friday
2. Finals on Monday
2. Championship at a Casino.
- Attending either Day 1A or Day 1B would mean those three changes did not harm you and you are not 'owed' discount entry to the PC. (Even if you could make one but not the other.)

This event is part of the Charity tournaments Tour

Buy In:





Oswald Garlington
Paul Giroux
Shane Matthews
Justin Guimond
Jesse Mason
Greg Spirito
Steven Walsh