Aldridge, Scott 10 10.0 0
Anderson, Keith 10 10.0 0
Avanzo, Frank 10 10.0 0
Avanzo, Chris 10 10.0 0
Avanzo, Michelle 10 10.0 0
Bagley, Micheal 10 10.0 0
Barrett, James 10 10.0 0
Barrett, Chris 10 10.0 0
Bessette, Joseph 10 10.0 0
Boone, Rhasaan 10 10.0 0
Boucher, Ken 10 10.0 0
Bowden, Jeffrey 10 10.0 0
Brown, Luke 10 10.0 0
Caraccia, Michael 10 10.0 0
Cardillo, Gary 10 10.0 0
Carrasquillo, Eli 10 10.0 0
Carrillo, Nayeli 90 90.0 0
Cascione, John 10 10.0 0
Cattani, Tony 65 65.0 0
Cerullo, Joe 10 10.0 0
Cerullo, Laurie 10 10.0 0
Chan, Eric 10 10.0 0
Cinaglia, Joe 10 10.0 0
Clift, Stephen 10 10.0 0
Corley, John 10 10.0 0
Corvese JR, Ken 10 10.0 0
Cotnoir, Matt 10 10.0 0
DeIngenis, Cathy 75 75.0 0
Dowding, Bill 10 10.0 0
EGAN, MIKE 80 80.0 0
Elson, Claudia 10 10.0 0
Elson, Michael 10 10.0 0
Fellela, Scott 10 10.0 0
Frenze, Mike 120 120.0 0
Gizzarelli, Elijah Jon 40 40.0 0
Gonzalez, Antonio 85 85.0 0
Greco the Son, Bill 10 10.0 0
Grilli Jr., Mario 10 10.0 0
Grondalski, Paul 10 10.0 0
Hawkins, Scott 10 10.0 0
Hernandez, Luisa 10 10.0 0
Hunter, Sam 105 105.0 0
Iacovino, Steve 10 10.0 0
Iarocci, Nicholas 10 10.0 0
Jewell, The Golden Baby 10 10.0 0
Jewell, Michelle 10 10.0 0
Kline, Beth 10 10.0 0
Kling, Greg 10 10.0 0
Kounlavouth, Sinsana 10 10.0 0
Larocque, Ed 10 10.0 0
Larocque, Paula 10 10.0 0
Mancini, Angelo 95 95.0 0
Martel, Richard 10 10.0 0
Martin, BOB 'THE AMBASSADOR' 110 110.0 0
Mason, Rich 10 10.0 0
McElroy, Mike 10 10.0 0
Mitchell, Bill 35 35.0 0
Murray, John 10 10.0 0
Ness, Alex 10 10.0 0
Nonnenmacher, Andy 10 10.0 0
Nonnenmacher, Fat Kat 10 10.0 0
Noonan, Greg 10 10.0 0
Perry, Ron (Merlin) 10 10.0 0
Perry, Terry 10 10.0 0
Pond, Jim 10 10.0 0
Quinn, John 10 10.0 0
Ramaglia, Peter 10 10.0 0
Ramaglia, Denise 10 10.0 0
Rebollo, John 10 10.0 0
Roy (RI), Chris 10 10.0 0
Sanford, James 10 10.0 0
Smith, James 10 10.0 0
Southerland, Dena 45 45.0 0
Spirito, Chris 10 10.0 0
Sterling, Dave 10 10.0 0
Suzzi, Brian 60 60.0 0
Tavis Jr., Richard 10 10.0 0
Watkins, Paul 10 10.0 0
Wolf, Scott 55 55.0 0
Wolf, EPT Donkey 10 10.0 0
Yaghoobian, Charles G. 50 50.0 0