Bar Poker Open Florida Championship 2024
Bar Poker Open

About Eastern Poker Tour

What Do I Win? |  How Do I play Hold'em? |  Eastern Poker Tour Rules

Eastern Poker, LLC is a media and entertainment company engaged in providing players a fun and exciting way of playing live poker tournaments for over $500,000 in annual prizes and a chance for television exposure across millions of homes in the northeast region.


Using state sweepstakes law as our guideline, the Eastern Poker Tour pub tournaments were created in May of 2005 as a fun and exciting poker tournaments to highlight the competition and entertainment values of tournament poker without the financial risk.

EPT Pub Tournaments are not gambling. You are never asked to place a bet or risk money on a poker tournament or game. People who come into the venue are usually asked by the venue to purchase a dinner buffet (usually $15) in order to participate. This ensures that all participants are in fact customers and justifies the space and cost needed for running a quality tournament.

Tournaments are held with casino quality equipment (tables, chips, and cards) and managed by a floor manager trained in the rules provided by the EPT and the TDA (Tournament Directors Association) to assure tournament operations and rulings are in line with most major poker events in the world. As these events are considered free tournaments, there will be no dealers; players rotate turns dealing in a clockwise manner. Click here to download official tournament rules.

Although these tournaments are free-entry tournaments, there is up to $850- in nightly prizes and in total there is over $500,000 in prizes annually. Nightly Champion every 6 months advances to the television tournament and competes for a $30,000- payout in which first place is a WSOP Main Event Package worth $12,000. Regular players can also compete for points and play in $1,200 monthly free-rolls as well as another shot for $30K. Click on the What Do I Win Page for complete prize breakdowns.


The Eastern Poker Tour provides charities with casino quality equipment and strict guidelines on providing quality charity poker tournaments for players who wish to compete for large nightly payouts in exchange for a charitable donation. The proceeds of all tournaments will go towards local non-profits making a difference in the community.

If higher stakes is what you are looking for, take a look at the upcoming charity events. With buy-ins ranging from $75 - $250 and payouts ranging from 60 – 80% there is plenty of action and money to be won.

As an extra value to the players participating in these Charity Tournaments, we give permission to charities to give out a champions seat into our $30,000- Championships.


Registration is mandatory to participate in any EPT Sanctioned event. You can sign up at any event or online. Click here to skip the process during registration, sign up for your free EPT account online today!

What Do I Win? |  How Do I play Hold'em? |  Eastern Poker Tour Rules


Paul Giroux
Mark Thibodeau
John Murray
Greg Spirito
Carole Smith
Mike McGeehan
Oswald Garlington